Hey guys, I know it’s been a little while, so I thought I’d catch you up on what I’ve been doing lately!
Sorry for totally disappearing for a couple of months! I’ve honestly been trying to figure myself and my life out! Like, what I want to continue doing, what I want to try, and what I need to discontinue doing. Kind of like a spiritual cleanse, I guess you could say?
I had all these blog post and Youtube video ideas for the holidays, but it just didn’t feel right at the time. I needed to take some time to myself and just catch up with family and friends to enjoy the holidays! Honestly, I’m glad that I did (I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season as well!!).
I needed a change and I think I’ve figured out what I want to do. So, if you’re feeling like you’re in a rut and sick of doing the same old thing… take a break. Try something new! Think about what you need to do that’ll make your soul feel refreshed and new again. It’ll clear out whatever is blocking you mentally, spiritually, or physically. I promise you won’t regret it!
Here are a few pictures from the holidays with my family and boyfriend!
(No, this is not my boyfriend this is my brother, Jed).
My beautiful cousin Sophie, whom I love with all my dear heart…
Now HERE’S my hunky man, our little unicorn and my home boy, Tux. (Petunia was cold so we let her wear her Halloween costume… she felt beautiful, okay).
Now, back on topic of catching up…
I’ve been getting busy with my yoga training. No joke, I can make myself look like a human pretzel. I’m just so proud (huge accomplishment for me)! But, there’s WAY more to yoga than just stretching and poses. I’ve learned from a friend/mentor that yoga heals you from the inside out. I was afraid to give up doing my normal workouts, because I thought yoga wouldn’t be enough to keep the chocolate chip cookies off my bum…
Let me just make this simple…..
I was completely wrong! It’s one of the most mentally and physically challenging things I’ve ever done! I have a hard time walking out of the studio after a hard class.. even though, I do have that yoga afterglow. I’d show you a video if I could, but it’s actually pretty embarrassing (we’re talking new born giraffe here people). And I’m use to hard workouts and crap so that’s how you know it’s challenging (depending on the class you take, of course.. I’m doing Power Yoga)!
I worked in retail for almost two month before I quit that crap. That was just the complete opposite from anything I ever wanted to do and I felt like I was just standing around wasting my life. (If you work retail and love it, go you!! This was just my experience with it.) But it just wasn’t for me. All in all though, I’m glad I tried it. So, now I can say I’ve experienced it… and never do it again. (Seriously, this whole paragraph depresses me.) Now, I can find something that I actually love doing for “work”.
I’ve done a couple photo shoots with local photographers here lately. I can easily say modeling is still my passion. I feel like I’m in the right place at the right time when I’m doing it and it’s just so exciting! It’s hard to explain, It’s just my thannnggg, ya dig? I’m debating on sharing the pictures with you guys (the style of the photos don’t fit my “beachy” theme I’ve got going on here. But I might just say screw it and post whatever I feel like…). We’ll see, though!
I’ve been brain storming on traveling and photo shoots… BIG time! I just have this craving to travel, take cool pictures, and share more of my favorite clothes/bikinis/experiences with you all. I think those are like my biggest passions honestly. I’m determined to do what I love most in life. Nothing is coming between that, no negative thoughts, doubts, people or even myself.
So, guys… just bare with me. I haven’t given up on my blog or anything I promise! It’s just some things are going to change and it’s for the better, really! Thank you all for your support!
I hope you all are doing good and thanks for reading!